not in dry condition, clean free from any visible foreign matter, pest, insect cut and damage caused by them or diseases or mechanical damage due to handling, loading, unloading and transportation affecting the general appearance of the produce, reasonably uniform size & shape, color
free from artificial colouring
Variety……………..(to be filled by assayer)
Actual Picture of the Lot………………….
Criteria for Range designation:
Tradable Parameters
Color (%)
(Characteristic true to the variety)
Scale 1 to 100 /Visual
More than 70
Between 40-70
Less than 40
Blooming and Shape
Perfect bloomed and round disc shaped
more than 95 %
Slightly bloomed and round disc shape more than 90 %
Reasonable bloomed and round disc shape more than 85 %
Optional (Industrial/Processor)
Stem length in cm
Above 38 cm
Flower Diameter in cm
Above 5 cm
5 % or minimum one bunch shall be randomly selected for sampling from each bunch.
5 Nos spikes shall be drawn from each selected bunch and shall be mixed homogenously , called as primary sample
5 nos. spikes shall be drawn from primary sample called as Laboratory sample