2. Variety……………..(Multivoltine/Bivoltine) 3. Actual Picture of the lot…………( to be uploaded by assayer) 4. Criteria for Range designation
Sl. No.
Tradable parameter
Range – 1
Range – 2
Range - 3
Multivoltine cross breed
Bright yellow
Light yellow
Pale yellow
Bivoltine Cross breed
Pure White
Normal white
Dull white
Shell ratio (silk %)
Between 22.00 to 24.00
Above 20.00 to 22.00
Above 18.00 to 20.00
Estimated Renditta ( Kg)
Between 5.5 to 6.00
Above 6.0 to 6.5
Above 6.5 to 7.00
Defects (malforms, double cocoons, stained, filmsy, very small cocoons) %
Upto 5
Upto 8
More than 8
Range Acceptance %
More than 90
80 to 90
Less than 80
Optional (Industrial/processor)
Size (Number of Cocoons per Kg)
Between 475 to 525
Above 525 to 575
More than 575
Cocoon weight (in grams)
More than 2.0
Between 1.5 to 2.0
Less than 1.5
5. Sampling:
(i) 1 kg random sample from whole lot should be collected known as primary sample. From primary samples defective cocoon percentage should be calculated.